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MK140 and Bocker MEWP
One of our fleet of MK140’s and our Bocker working at a MEWP installing facias on a new cineworld.
Full contract lifting available, tandem lifting and nationwide coverage as well, as well as CPA hire too.
Cork Crane Hires latest catalogue is here
ECIA 2021 Membership
We here at Cork Crane Hire of Widnes are proud to be in heading in to our 4th year working with the ECIA – Engineering Construction Industry Association.
ECIA membership gives us access to a wealth of knowledge about operating within the Engineering Construction Industry and numerous sites and helps promote good working relationships within the engineering construction markets to drive productive performance
Cork Crane Hires latest catalogue is here
The Bocker AK52 cleaned and ready for the road after another busy week here at Cork Crane Hire.
This one nca travel with a 2 man man-basket and can extend to 50m as well as work as a crane on site too.
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